Needing a loan from time to time is a basic reality for most people. Your credit plays a large part in the financing you qualify for. The lenders below all have varying requirements for loans. Payday Loans are loans with very high payback rates and should only be used in the worst of emergencies or in cases where you know you can pay 100% back when the first payment is due. We do advertise payday loan companies here and in full disclosure, we own portfolios of some of them. If your account with us originated from a payday loan company listed here, you may or may not be able to obtain a payday loan. Your account with us is owned by us, not them, so they will decide whether to approve you or not. We play no part in loan approvals. We are not a lender.
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Bad Credit Loans isn’t a lender and doesn’t provide unsecured loans, but it shows your loan request information to the lenders and lending partners in our network so they can choose whether to offer you a loan.
A personal loan from a lender or financial service provider in our network often ranges between 5.99% and 35.99%, although APRs vary according to the information that is supplied by you in your loan request. Loan products generally have a 90 day minimum repayment term and a 72 month (6 year) maximum repayment term.
Your lender will provide you with the APR, loan fees, and other terms when you are redirected to your loan agreement during the loan request process. Before accepting a loan from a lender within our network, be sure to read the loan agreement carefully, as the APR and repayment terms may differ from what is listed on our website, as we are not the lender.