Diversified Consumer Services is NOT a Collection Agency. That’s great news for you, because we work with consumers in different ways than you may have experienced with a Collection Agency.  If we’ve recently contacted you by phone, mail or email, it’s because a debt you owed to a creditor that remained unpaid was sold to us. What that means is that you no longer owe the original creditor because all ownership of the account and rights to collect on it were transferred to us. Diversified Consumer Services is considered your new creditor replacing your original creditor.

You’ll quickly discover that we’re a breath of fresh air compared to experiences you may have had with others in the past. We treat every customer with respect and dignity and we work with you to successfully resolve your debt so you can get on with your life.

Diversified Consumer Services is a division of Diversified Company, an Indiana corporation founded in 2007. Diversified Company offers products and services of many types to consumers across the globe. To visit our corporate site, please click https://Diversified.Company which will open in a new page.  Should you ever be dissatisfied with the treatment you receive from our representatives or actions taken, please first try to resolve the matter with a supervisor here, otherwise, please feel free to contact the corporate offices.