If you have made payments to anyone other than our company on the account you received notice on, please contact us IMMEDIATELY and let us know the name of the company you have paid or are paying. We will be able to determine whether or not you are the possible victim of a scam. If you are a victim, we will advise you to STOP PAYMENT on any future scheduled payments with that company and/or open a new bank account and close the affected one and/or cancel the credit card you made payment with and request a new one. We will work with your bank and/or credit card company if we can, and will assist in recovery of those funds so you can pay us, the legal owner of your account.
When we purchase a debt portfolio, the previous owner is no longer permitted to collect on the debt. Legally, any payments you make to them have to be routed back to us by them if made after the date we purchased the portfolio that includes your account(s). There is usually more than one previous owner aside from the original creditor before it comes to us. We are provided information that is SUPPOSED to be 100% accurate, however, there are oversights that do happen with previous owners sometimes. In these cases, you need to be able to provide proof that you paid the debt or payments you made toward the debt. If there is still a balance due, you must make those payments to us, not the previous owner of the account.
Diversified Consumer Services created VALICATE as a fraud prevention tool that allows you to find out who has owned your account in the past, to confirm that we do own it, and what its status us. This is updated in real-time. This is a free resource. Click below or visit https://valicate.com.